
Rant: I've Been Paying Attention Way too Long for This

Is This the Last Phase before AI Government?

EU Commission President: We Must 'Vaccinate' Against 'Virus' of 'Disinformation'

Cops in Germany Are Raiding People's Homes for Insulting Politicians

They're Using Democracy as an Excuse to Destroy Free Speech

The Feds Are Arguing Your Money Isn't Your Property Now

Liberty Cannot Exist Inside a Panopticon

This One Question at RFK Jr.'s Confirmation Hearing Is Everything Wrong with Our Congress

Shift (a Time Machine for a Longer Thought)

What Happens When Society Can't Take a Joke Anymore?

The War on Speech Is Turning into a Monty Python Sketch

How Does Congress Keep Getting Away With This?

Rant: This Isn't Scientific, and It Isn't American

Remember, Remember the Fifth of November: a Holiday Americans Forgot

What Is Also Going on in North Carolina (and Everywhere Else, Part 3)

- Warning up front: this one’s an angry rant so if you don’t want to hear it, maybe sit this one out. Turns out I’ve been paying attention for too long and I can’t pretend otherwise. It’s incredibly sad we’ve been brought down to the point of clapping when agencies do some token almost totally meaningless BS, but after getting scolded over not being “thankful” enough I just couldn’t help but... Read more »
- We just saw 23 Senators send out a video where each of them dramatically (well, for Senators I guess) repeat the same scripted talking points in front of a camera on cue just like actors would. They all sound like interchangeable bots with only minor deviations. The videos all looked pretty much the same — same clips, same font, same editing. And somewhere there’s a director who is directing them... Read more »
- Well, it looks like the West is destroying its own values in a coordinated fashion. I have now been told that, as an American, it is almost impossible to explain freedom of speech and why it is important to people from other countries. Considering what’s going on in Germany now after a recent 60 Minutes piece on the “German insult police,” I have attempted my best in this video to... Read more »
- All over the West, governments are destroying their own values in a coordinated fashion in what they claim is “protecting democracy”. You can’t protect anything by destroying it — by turning the world into an Orwellian dystopia where armed police regularly raid people’s homes for sharing mean memes on the Internet. This is complete insanity. The U.S. is a Constitutional Republic yes, but it is also democratic, and it may... Read more »
- In the files of “if you can believe it,” this literally just happened and no — even though by all accounts it should be and it sounds like it — sadly, this isn’t satire. If this is the level we are at, then something absolutely has to change unless they’re just openly admitting our system is financial slavery now. I am running out of things to say at this point.... Read more »
- Some people accept uncritically the reality with which they’ve been presented, despite overwhelming evidence that reality has been scripted and programmed — and the programmed people running that code have done unconscionable things to others in recent years because of it. I get that some people don’t want to have to take personal responsibility for their perceptional reality, and so they prefer having it spoonfed to them, but they... Read more »
- It is so important for people to understand this. Liberty is not possible in an omnipresent surveillance panopticon because part of being at liberty is having one’s privacy secure. Our Fourth Amendment to the Bill of Rights is based upon this very idea. After seeing Oracle’s Ellison in the WH on day two, I thought it appropriate to make this 30-min. mini doc to explain a brief history of the... Read more »
- This one question at RFK Jr.’s Senate confirmation hearing will tell you everything you need to know about why everything is so broken in this country and why nothing ever changes. This system is such a dark shadow of what it was ever created to be. ... Read more »
- Mel here. Last week was insane. This year feels insane. Last year was the kind of insane you couldn’t describe to someone who lived through it without them thinking you were insane. Sometimes I wonder — if everything is insane, what happens to the supposedly sane baseline insanity gets checked against? Anyway, I needed a moment off the merry-go-round for my own sake. I started thinking about perspective and how... Read more »
- The upside of censorship? Unlimited optimism about our perfected future, where the best traits are gradually conditioned into all the shiny, happy people holding hands, and the misfits are quietly repressed into oblivion. The downside? I’m not hearing anything, apart from some pretty chill crickets. That’s the theme of our latest video, and of the 1969 film in reference titled The Joke (dir: J. Jires). And it’s a real laugh.... Read more »
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