
Mulling over Mullein | Benefits and Uses with Yarrow Willard (Herbal Jedi)

The Magic of Mugwort

Horsetail - Old World Herb for New World Health | Harmonic Arts

Poppy Medicine | A Deeper look at Opium Poppies

Elderberry Medicine

Plantain the People Plant | Herbal Jedi

The Healing Powers of Goldenrod

Getting Comfy with Comfrey | Harvesting and Uses with Yarrow Willard| Harmonic Arts

Turkey Tail Mushroom | Medicine Making, ID, Harvest, and More

How to Harvest Wild Stinging Nettles | Harmonic Arts

Lemon Balm | Herb of the ages | Yarrow and Terry Willard

Cedar "The Tree of Life"| Yarrow Willard Cl.H. | Harmonic Arts

Valerian - Back to Your Roots with Yarrow Willard Cl.H | Harmonic Arts

Self-Heal - a MIGHTY little helper

Japanese Knotweed, Invasive Plant or Wild Food and Medicine..?